Carbon handprint – what it is and why it should be calculated

Carbon handprint is a tool developed for companies to communicate the positive climate impacts of their products and services. It can also serve as an organizational development tool. In cases where achieving a carbon handprint is not feasible with current operations, calculating a carbon footprint can help identify major emission sources, reduce emissions, and ultimately, … Read more

Five reasons for calculating a carbon footprint


Carbon footprint calculation is an effective tool for allocating valuable resources to drive change toward a more sustainable business. Below are five reasons why you should calculate a carbon footprint, either for your organization or a product or service. 1. Reducing your carbon footprint is easier once the emissions are identified and quantified. Planning accurate … Read more

Developer – do you know how to reduce the carbon footprint of your application?


When people talk about carbon footprint and about reducing it, they often talk about things like transportation, diet, residence or purchases. It’s true that these form the majority of household’s carbon footprint, and many of these can be applied to the carbon footprint’s of a company or its employees, but what elements form the carbon … Read more

How climate change affects LGBTIQ+ community?

World map in pride colors

How are climate change and LGBTIQ+ community related? If you don’t know or you would like to learn more, this blog post is for you!  It is already a well known fact that climate change will affect us all globally. However, it will not treat us equally. The impacts of climate change will be most … Read more