Science-based carbon footprint calculation and environmental impact assessment with the expertise of a research group

We help companies and organizations understand and reduce their climate and environmental impact
while making sustainability a competitive advantage.

Our most popular services

Book by Abner Ignatius from the Noun Project


The methods and knowledge used in projects and calculations are reliable, and always based on the latest standards and research.

Handshake by Nick E Yazbak from the Noun Project


Our agile team has a strong academic background with over 40 years of combined experience in LCA and carbon footprint calculations.

custom by BomSymbols from the Noun Project


The comprehensive climate expert services enable customized carbon footprint calculations based on customer’s needs.

Our customers

Tradeka Logo
Restel logo
Clevera osuuskunnan logo
Maria01 Logo
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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is alvar_logo_500x500.png
Takuusäätiö logo
Jet-steelin logo

Get to know our customers!


Contact us

Calendar by Alice-vector from the Noun Project

Book a free 30-minute meeting with our expert to map out possibilities and requirements of carbon footprint calculation for your company.

File by Alice-vector from the Noun Project

Any other questions? Don’t hesitate to submit a contact request. We aim to reply to all contact requests within the next 1-2 working days.