This is a list of research references executed by the founders of UseLess. Should you have questions about the research articles, please contact us.
- Tulevaisuuden hiilineutraali ja omavarainen lähiö: koosteraportti (2023)
- Climate and biodiversity impacts of low-density polyethylene production from CO2 and electricity in comparison to bio-based polyethylene (2023)
- Climate impacts of source-separated biowaste from small neighbourhoods in Finland based on pilot experiments for novel biowaste collection systems (2023)
- A financial and environmental sustainability of circular bioeconomy: A case study of short rotation coppice, biochar and greenhouse production in Southern Finland (2022)
- Assessing Land Use Efficiencies and Land Quality Impacts of Renewable Transportation Energy Systems for Passenger Cars Using the LANCA® Method (2022)
- Assessing the climate impacts of oat straw as a raw material (2022)
- Assessing WELBY Social Life Cycle Assessment Approach through Cobalt Mining Case Study (2022)
- Sustainability Perspectives of the Sharing Economy: Process of Creating a Library of Things in Finland (2022)
- Effects of COVID-19 on mobility GHG emissions: Case of the city of Lahti, Finland (2022)
- How do actions to decarbonise the energy and mobility sectors affect consumption-based carbon footprints? A case of historic and predicted actions in a suburb in Finland (2022)
- Recognizing Potential Pathways to Increasing the Consumption of Edible Insects from the Perspective of Consumer Acceptance: Case Study from Finland (2022)
- Innovative recycling or extended use? Comparing the global warming potential of different ownership and end-of-life scenarios for textiles (2021)
- Agro-Industrial Symbiosis and Alternative Heating Systems for Decreasing the Global Warming Potential of Greenhouse Production (2021)
- The transformation of plastics production from net positive greenhouse gas emissions to net negative: An environmental sustainability assessment of CO2-based polypropylene (2021)
- A life cycle environmental sustainability of microbial protein production via power-to-food approaches (2020)
- Increasing positive climate impact by combining anti-consumption and consumption changes with impact investing (2020)
- Carbon handprint – An approach to assess the positive climate impacts of products demonstrated via renewable diesel case (2019)
- Environmental sustainability assessment from planetary boundaries perspective – A case study of an organic sheep farm in Finland (2019)
- Neutralizing global warming impacts of crop production using biochar from side flows and buffer zones (2019)
- Comparison of land use efficiencies of different transportation energy systems (2018)
- Environmental impacts and sustainability of low-value roach fish when used as food (2018)
- Transportation biofuel efficiencies from cultivated feedstock in the boreal climate zone: Case Finland (2017)
- The Role of Consumers in the Transition toward Low-Carbon Living (2017)
- Potential for greenhouse gas emission reductions using surplus electricity in hydrogen, methane and methanol production via electrolysis (2017)
- Tulevaisuuden energiatehokkaat asuinalueet: Lahden Askonalue (2017)
- Tulevaisuuden energiatehokkaat asuinalueet: Riihimäen Peltosaari (2017)
- Sustainability analysis of the agricultural and food systems in the Lahti Region Global situation and challenges in agricultural and food (agri-food) production (2016)
- Economics and Greenhouse Gas Balance of Distributed Electricity Production at Sawmills Using Hermetic Turbogenerator (2016)
- The Role of Laser Additive Manufacturing Methods of Metals in Repair, Refurbishment and Remanufacturing – Enabling Circular Economy (2016)
- Greenhouse gas reduction potential by producing electricity from biogas engine waste heat using organic Rankine cycle (2016)
- Development of low carbon living from the consumer’s perspective (2016)
- Systematic approach for recognizing limiting factors for growth of biomethane use in transportation sector -A case study in Finland (2015)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Biomethane for Transport: Uncertainties and Allocation Methods (2014)
- Carbon Footprint of Renewable Diesel from Palm Oil, Jatropha Oil and Rapeseed Oil (2014)
- Carbon footprint of selected biomass to biogas production chains and GHG reduction potential in transportation use (2014)
- Potential for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions by Using Biomethane as a Road Transportation Fuel (2014)
- Environmental competitiveness evaluation of electricity and heat production methods in regional energy system planning (2014)
- Economics and greenhouse gas balance of biogas use systems in the Finnish transportation sector (2013)